Une nature d'exception

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For a self-guided visit : our brochure can be downloaded here…


The "Etang Cistude" site

"The Picadon site"

Commune de Saint-Michel-en-Brenne

Commune de Saint-Michel-en-Brenne

"The Ricot lake" hide

The "Etang de la Sous" hide

Commune de Saint-Michel-en-Brenne

Commune de Saint-Michel-en-Brenne

The "Etang des Essarts" hide and access track

"Etang Purais "hide

Commune de Saint-Michel-en-Brenne

Commune de Lingé

The "Terres de Renard" site
Commune de Saint-Michel-en-Brenne

In order to assure protection for the site’s easily disturbed wildlife, it is only accessible by appointment or guided visit with the site manager.

... or in accompanied discovery ?