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The “Etang des Essarts” hide and access track

Commune de Saint-Michel-en-Brenne

This public track crosses the Reserve’s meadows; many passerines may be seen during the breeding season (Corn Bunting, Whitethroat, Stonechat, Red-back Shrike...).

Between the Essarts hide and the D6b there is a point for listening to passerines in spring. The Essarts lake is quite open, suitable in spring for a lively Black-headed Gull colony , as well other as species that benefit from their aggressiveness  towards predators (Black-necked Grebe, different species of ducks etc.); its open patches of mud in the autumn are particularly attractive for waders, it is also an excellent refuge for wintering duck (Pintail,  Shoveler, Wigeon, etc.).

The light is most suitable in the afternoon.